Sunday, November 20, 2011

Carsten Höller: "Experience" at The New Museum NYC

The fourth floor "Mirror Carousel" which turns slowly, allowing the viewer (and those on line to enter the interactive piece titled "Untitled (Slide)" to gaze upon themselves (and others) from multiple angles in its reflective revolutions.

Several other visually stimulating pieces involving light, water, animals and precarious balance.

Since some of the pieces involve lying down (or in some cases, floating in an epsom salt bath... which I declined to do) it seems that Carsten Höller is not only concerned with fully involving viewers in his concepts and content, but also dictating the specific environment and context in which the public experiences his works.

After a two-hour wait, it was my turn to take a pass through the three-story slide...

Below is a video of my re-entry from a quick descent through this very unique serpentine portal...

Upon leaving the museum in the late afternoon, the line just to get into the museum 
itself was nearly as long as the line to ride the 3-story slide on the fourth floor.

Self Portrait With Sinks:  I can't resist a colorful mosaic... Even if it's in a rest room.

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